Friday, February 6, 2009

Captivating glance.

(This is just a little bit of a what ever I thought of that I wrote last night. XD Enjoy.)

Siging softly, Gaius lounged back on a his favorite chase lounge. He was so fond of it because it was right next to a window from which he could see the world. He was waiting in said lounge today because he was hoping to catch Zuli before she wandered off to do what ever it is she does without him. Gazing out the window he noticed his breath fogging up the pane, so he drew his finger in little designs across it, the action reminding him much of his childhood. As his finger drew another line in the condensation he spied a woman walking down the street. She wore all black and lace, and had an air about her that he couldn't put his finger on. It was almost like he could taste her power from where he sat. The feeling of that power fluttering by drew him closer to the window to watch her until she was completely out of sight. 

"Who.. was that?" He wondered, not realizing he had wondered this out loud.

"Who is who?" Zuli replied dryly, startling him from his place almost pressed against the window pane. She half climbed up onto the chase with him, peering out the window, not seeing anyone. 

"Oh.. Uhm Someone walking down the street. She just.. caught my eye. Thats all." He uttered quietly. "Something about her intrigued me.."

"Ahh, I see." Zuli smirked, hooking a finger under Gaius's chin to turn his gaze to her. "Not more intriguing than your master, I would hope." He peered at her, blinking a moment before returning the smirk. 

"No one could be more intriguing than you, my Dear." He said to her, using a tone that was almost too intimate for the relationship that they actually had. She gave a soft chuckle at his attempt to please her, scooting nearer to him.

"As long as you know your place." 

"Of course.." He shrugged, shifting a bit as she scooted closer. "Oh yeah, while we're on the topic of places, I was actually waiting for you. I was going to ask your permission to venture out for some.. errands." He made sure to leave what he was planning to do as general as possible, so she didn't think to ask too many questions. 

"Errands like what?" She said softly, tilting her head a bit as she looked at him skeptically. 

"Oh, you know, pay the bills for the house.. pick up some groceries for dinner. Errands." He shrugged a bit. "That and just to get out for a bit. I would like a little fresh air."

Zuli nodded at him. "Do what you need to, but don't be gone for too long. I don't want to have to send someone to find you." She gave him a look that said she had done it once before and it made her angry last time. 

"Alright, alright. I should be back in a few hours." He promised to her, running a finger along one of her horns. She pulled away from him and stood up, walking toward the door before looking back to him. 

"You know not to touch me like that." She half snarled.

"I can't help it." He teased, motioning in a lazy shrug. 

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