Monday, February 9, 2009

The venture

Watching Zuli leave, Gaius gathered himself, a bit nervous of leaving the house and of what he planned to do while he was out. After seeing that woman pass by he needed to know. He just had to know what it was that overwhelmed him so. Making sure to grab his wallet he slipped outside, locking the door behind him. 

He wasn't sure exactly where he was going to look, but he was determined to seek out the mysterious woman. He climbed up onto the drivers seat of a carriage, grasping the reigns as he urged the horses to slowly trot away. He looked around and pondered a moment before snapping the reigns, the horses neighing as they started into an easy gallop.

As he looked about he thought to himself 'She couldn't have gotten far. She was on foot and I wasn't inside for more than ten minutes with Zuli.' He frantically darted his eyes down each street and around every turn looking for her, until one moment, merely a flash, he felt that energy again. It was more faint, but he halted the carriage, pulling the horses to turn around and nearly tipping the whole thing as he turn down the road toward that alluring energy.

Once he felt it just as strong as he has when he glimpsed her, he noticed the same black frill and lace outfit half peeking out from behind a tree. There, on the other side, the woman sat gazing up at the sky. He pulled the carriage up in a half assed manner of parking and jumped down from it, stumbling as he slammed to the ground. She sound startled her, turning her face to look at what was making all the commotion. 

Giving a smirk she watched on as he nervously sauntered over to her. She gave him a slight nod as she gracefully climbed to her feet just before he could offer some assistance. She peered at him, not saying anything, just looking.

"I.. I saw you... W.. Walking down my street."

"I know. I remember seeing you gaze from your window." Yuuko shrugged, turning to walk around him. "But I did not expect you to stalk me."

"Oh no.. I.. " He frowned at her, looking to the ground. "I didn't mean anything by it. I.. I just couldn't stop myself." 

"It's alright. I think I'll live." She gave a soft smile. "But, to make it up to me.." He perked his head up to look at her, shocked that she would ask something of him like that.

"Hmm. Yes. To make it up to me, you have to come with me to my shrine." She gave him a look that said he didn't have a choice, so he nodded and waved his hand toward his car. She gave a chuckle shaking her head. "Oh no, no driving, especially not in that. It's a short walk." 

Sighing he nodded. "Alright. But I really cannot be long." He thought a moment on what Zuli would do to him if he didn't show up at home. Shuddering a moment he tried to shake of the feeling, following behind Yuuko quietly. 

"So, why are we going to your shrine?" He asked her, trying to look ahead of her to see where they were going. 

"I have something I need to.. test." She said, almost as though she expected him to understand what she meant. He decided not to argue and just follow behind her. Soon they came upon a small shrine set back away from a stone wall with a fancy iron gate. The front yard was adorned with a lavish garden that had japanese style stone statues affixed in very thought out places. The garden consisted of flower Gaius had never seen before, and a lot of them seemed like plants that could not normally grow in such climates. 

As they stepped through the gate, Gaius felt something inside of him writhe, almost like it was struggling to breath. The feeling left him queasy but he put on a rather convincing stoic expression and followed her down the path that lead to a double sliding door. Yuuko slid one side of the door open and stepped inside. As Gaius followed her he caught two children from the corner of his eye. Or at least they looked like children. One had flowing lilac hair, the other a salt and black color. He never really caught a good look at them, but they both looked almost ethereal. 

"Wh.. What are those?" He asked, peering around the room to try and see them better.

"Oh, that's just Vesper and Diem. Ignore them, they are just playing with you." She chuckled softly, leading him into a room where a couch sat in front of a wall draped in green and gold fabric. He wondered if there was a wall behind the fabric, or if it lead to something else, but didn't bother to look and see. 

Yuuko sat on the couch, waving her hand at him to come and sit near her. Out of habit Gaius found a comfortable place to sit on the floor near her legs. She seemed confused a moment but didn't ask.

"I'm sorry.. but I didn't get your name." She uttered, peering away from him.

"Forgive me, I am Gaius, but most call me Gauge. And how about you? I have not heard your name either."

"I'm Yuuko, but that is not really important." She looked down at him sitting on the floor. He seemed to scoot closer to her, head in hands almost as if he was trying to get her undivided attention. She on the other hand was doing all she could to ignore his glance.

Once she turned to look at him, she whispered something under her breath before reaching one of her hands up to touch his forehead. Once she did though she gave a soft squeak of pain and drew away half in fear half in anger. 

"You.. Are not what you appear to be." She hissed, drawing away from him. He reached a hand up, trying to show her he did not mean any harm, but she just avoided him. "You.. You are unclean, possessed by something." His gaze fell as he looked at his hand, the pain of her words evident on his face. "Is it.. that obvious?" 

Yuuko looked at him, coveting her hand as she watched his emotions play across his face. He pulled away from her, placing his hand over his face, sighing softly. Almost as though she could see the horrors of his past trace across his face in every painful gaze, she reached a hand out toward him.

"Don't touch me again." He stopped her, turning away from her even more "It will only hurt you more." He crawled away a bit, climbing to his feet as he did so. "I should go. I did not mean you harm." He half ran back to the door, slamming it open and rushing away, doing his best not to trip through the garden path. 

"W.. Wait.." Yuuko tried to shout to him, but her words had fallen on deaf ears as he turned the corner around the wall and disappeared. "I.. I'm sorry." She muttered, pulling her hair back as she placed her hand at her neck in worry. Sighing softly she whimpered curling up against the side of her couch. "Why.. Why do such things have to happen..?" 

As Yuuko curled up in her place on the couch, Gaius ran. He ran as fast as he could back to the carriage, noticing how as he left the garden the writhing feeling inside of him eased. He knew it was his demon inside, gasping for air under the weight of her magic. The demon screamed up through him as he reached the horses, his expression changing from pain to anger as the beast that raged through him took over. "She will pay for this.. Pay for trying to smother me."

As he said this his voice seemed different, almost a growl. The new Gaius hopped back up to the drivers perch and snapped the reigns, heading back home, back to his mistress.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Captivating glance.

(This is just a little bit of a what ever I thought of that I wrote last night. XD Enjoy.)

Siging softly, Gaius lounged back on a his favorite chase lounge. He was so fond of it because it was right next to a window from which he could see the world. He was waiting in said lounge today because he was hoping to catch Zuli before she wandered off to do what ever it is she does without him. Gazing out the window he noticed his breath fogging up the pane, so he drew his finger in little designs across it, the action reminding him much of his childhood. As his finger drew another line in the condensation he spied a woman walking down the street. She wore all black and lace, and had an air about her that he couldn't put his finger on. It was almost like he could taste her power from where he sat. The feeling of that power fluttering by drew him closer to the window to watch her until she was completely out of sight. 

"Who.. was that?" He wondered, not realizing he had wondered this out loud.

"Who is who?" Zuli replied dryly, startling him from his place almost pressed against the window pane. She half climbed up onto the chase with him, peering out the window, not seeing anyone. 

"Oh.. Uhm Someone walking down the street. She just.. caught my eye. Thats all." He uttered quietly. "Something about her intrigued me.."

"Ahh, I see." Zuli smirked, hooking a finger under Gaius's chin to turn his gaze to her. "Not more intriguing than your master, I would hope." He peered at her, blinking a moment before returning the smirk. 

"No one could be more intriguing than you, my Dear." He said to her, using a tone that was almost too intimate for the relationship that they actually had. She gave a soft chuckle at his attempt to please her, scooting nearer to him.

"As long as you know your place." 

"Of course.." He shrugged, shifting a bit as she scooted closer. "Oh yeah, while we're on the topic of places, I was actually waiting for you. I was going to ask your permission to venture out for some.. errands." He made sure to leave what he was planning to do as general as possible, so she didn't think to ask too many questions. 

"Errands like what?" She said softly, tilting her head a bit as she looked at him skeptically. 

"Oh, you know, pay the bills for the house.. pick up some groceries for dinner. Errands." He shrugged a bit. "That and just to get out for a bit. I would like a little fresh air."

Zuli nodded at him. "Do what you need to, but don't be gone for too long. I don't want to have to send someone to find you." She gave him a look that said she had done it once before and it made her angry last time. 

"Alright, alright. I should be back in a few hours." He promised to her, running a finger along one of her horns. She pulled away from him and stood up, walking toward the door before looking back to him. 

"You know not to touch me like that." She half snarled.

"I can't help it." He teased, motioning in a lazy shrug. 

Positively Evil

Gauge's Persuasion1
Originally uploaded by Enocia
I just think Gaius's eye's make him look quite evil. XD I lurv eet.

Gauge's Persuasion

Gauge's Persuasion3
Originally uploaded by Enocia
Gaius is trying ever so hard to persuade Yuuko into kissing him. XD


Originally uploaded by Enocia
Here is Diem's face up~ Also just finished! <3 Happy times!

Vesper's Face Up

Originally uploaded by Enocia
Here is Vesper without her wig. I just finished her face up and I'm happy with it.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Introducing the lives of the party.

Gaius "Gauge" Demos Gianni
(DZ Tan Yuu)
Age: 154 yo. Looks to be 26.
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 170lbs.
Eyes: Silver Grey
Hair: Silver, waist length
General Appearance: "Gauge" has a even tan skin tone, which is his natural color. He has a somewhat muscular build, but nothing too much. 
Bio: Gaius was once a well learned professor during the 1600's, teaching the subject of the dark arts. His intention were once very good when he took on his teaching, wanting to show others how they work and how to guard yourself against them. But one day during a lesson in the art of demon possession, a spell went wrong. To save his students from the tortures of the demon he absorbed it into himself, the demon fusing with his soul. The next day he quit his job as a professor, the demon inside had changed him, and now this demon had access to a mind full of knowledge in the art of black magic.

Yuuko Aki Mikkoto 
(DZ LinLan)
Age: She lots track after 400 something, she looks to be late twenties.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150lbs.
Eyes: Bright piercing blue
Hair: Natural Brown Black, past her waist.
General Appearance: Yuuko has a generally slender, but still supple body. She, like Gauge, has a tan skin tone, also natural. She keeps her fingernails well manicured, but rarely wears any excessive make-up.
Bio: Yuuko was born to a family of powerful magic. When she was a small child her parents realized a great and rare power to control time. Once they saw such power in her they turned her over to a local temple that would teach her to control such power. Sadly, because of this she never really knew her parents. Now, Yuuko stands as her own force to be dealt with. Her control of the magic of time and space has been well tames over the who knows how many years she has existed. She has sworn to herself, though, that her powers would never be used for anything but to help people in their time of need. Unfortunately, like all magic, her spells come at a price to those she casts them upon. Nothing in life is free.

Eris Lovegood Heartman
(DZ Felian Bunny Girl)
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120lbs.
Eyes: Solid black, pupil and Iris
Hair: Bubblegum pink bob cut
General Appearance: Eris has very fair, white skin. She is a very petite girl, but also still supple. She seems almost fragile in appearance, but it's deceiving.
Bio: Eris has grown up living near Yuuko, whom she visited n a regular basis, and because of that she has picked up a bit of magic here and there. Her specialty lies in reading tarot, which she reads from a deck given to her by her grandmother. She is a rather quiet spoken girl, because growing up she had an magic accident, causing her to have cat ears instead of human ears and bled her eyes into pure black. Such a difference from the other kids made her very much a loner, and sadly also made her cynical of the world. 

Zoe Jewel Grayman
(DoD Tender Zen girl)
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120lbs.
Eyes: Lilac
Hair: Long, jet black
General Appearance: Zoe could easily pass for a porcelain doll. Her feature are very soft, but kind of dark. She has a white skin tone, and rather average body type.
Bio: Zoe grew up in a very loving family. Her mother and father had a decent amount of money, which was just enough to send her to a private school. There she met a few of what now are closest friends. Zoe never really had much talent in the way of magic, but still found her niche in the school as the local artist. She is very much into designing fashions for the gothic, and regularly does the poster and advertisement work for the local theater.

Emiko Uri Sachiko
(Angel Region Cien Girl)
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130lbs.
Eyes: Icy pink
Hair: Stark Orange, mid waist
General Appearance: Emiko has a normal fair skin tone, and average build. She always seems to be pouting about something though that is just her natural facial features. She is always wearing dark make up with bright vibrant orange highlights.
Bio: Emiko has always been given anything she wants. Her parents are loaded, so they have never said no. Because of this Emi can be a bit of a spoiled brat when she doesn't get things her way. Going to private school (where she met Zoe and Eris) kind of mellowed her out though, seeing as how she had to get along with the other kids. Emiko too has been lacking in the way of magic skill, but she makes up for it with her technical skills. She has hopes of being an architect when she gets older, but for now is just the local computer whiz.

Fionn Aiden Banagher
(DZ Megi Boy)
Age: 18
Height: 5'5"
Hair: Ash brown
General Appearance: Fionn is a overly white boy, with a trim but not muscular build. He is usually hiding under his emo kid clothes. 
Bio: Fionn is a "nephew" to Yuuko. He isn't truely related to her by blood, but he is her dear friend's son, so she considers him family. He is an artist too, much like Zoe, so he and her become close friends. He comes to live with Yuuko for a time, because of hard ships his mother was facing where they lived, so he ended up going to the same school as Zoe, Eris, and Emiko. He really keeps to himself when it comes to his personal life, so no one really knows much about him, or his family except Yuuko.

Vesper And Diem
(DZ Luna and DZ Leo)
Age: Unknown
Height: 2'3"
Eyes: Deep Blue (Vesper) Bright Red (Diem)
Hair: Lilac shoulder length (Vesper) Silver and Black (Diem)
General Appearance: Vesper and Diem are very tiny things. They a small sprite type entity so  they seem almost ethereal. 
Bio: No one really knows where these two came from, or what they are, but Vesper and Diem tend to hang around Yuuko, coming and going as they please. At night Vesper appears with small angel wings adorning her back, while Diem can be seen during the day with small demon wings. Yuuko says they are a part of her magic who symbolize the night and day.